Super Tuesday Showdown: Trump Leads with 197 Delegates, Haley Trails at 24, as 874 Delegates Up for Grabs on March 5, 2024
In case you haven't been paying attention, possibly because you've been dealing with Biden inflation or high crime, or perhaps because you live in Arlington, Virginia—the loneliest city in America, home to the wealthiest individuals—here's what's happening.
1. There are just three days to go before Super Tuesday.
2. Super Tuesday is on March 5, 2024.
3. On GOP Super Tuesday 2024, a total of 874 delegates are at stake across 16 states and territories.
4. This represents more than a third of all GOP delegates, making it a significant day in the primary calendar for Republican candidates.
5. To secure the Republican nomination, a candidate needs to win a majority of the available delegates, with an estimated total of 1,215 delegates required for the nomination
6. As of today, March 2, 2024, Donald Trump is leading with 197 delegates.
7. Nikki Haley has 24 delegates.
8. Ron DeSantis has 9 delegates.
9. Vivek Ramaswamy has 3 delegates.
10. All other GOP presidential candidates have 0 delegates.
11. Even if Trump were to win all the delegates on Super Tuesday, which is next Tuesday, March 5, 2024, he would only have his current 197 delegates plus 874 delegates, making a total of 1071 delegates. There would still be 144 delegates needed to reach the nomination threshold.
12. So today, March 2, 2024, ahead of Super Tuesday, Trump will be campaigning in North Carolina at a rally in Greensboro.
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