Why Conservatives Laughed When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Attacked Marjorie Taylor Greene Over Hunter Biden's Explicit Pictures: What The Law Says
When most people on the Right heard Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blast Marjorie Taylor Greene on Wednesday for displaying, in Congress, nude pictures of Hunter Biden engaged in sexual activities with women, they laughed at what they saw as hypocrisy and her lack of understanding of the law. They recalled a Democratic DA in New York bringing back an old, weak case involving Donald Trump and sex worker Stormy Daniels. They also remembered Democrats or their cronies pushing a theory that Trump was filmed having sex with hookers in a hotel in Moscow. They didn't just have the pictures. They would have been all over the Internet. Additionally, people on the Right noted the constant attacks on Trump's children, even though they were not elected to any office.
But what Marjorie Taylor Greene was saying was that Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden's son, broke the law when he transported several women to have sex with them in Washington DC. This means he broke the law when he paid for them to come to Washington to engage in sexual activities with him.
The controversial law in question is the Mann Act, also known as the White-Slave Traffic Act, which makes it a federal offense to knowingly transport an individual across state lines or internationally intending to engage in prostitution or any other illegal sexual activity.
The Act was originally enacted in 1910 and was intended to combat human trafficking and the exploitation of women and girls. Over time, it has been used in cases involving both minors and adults who have been transported for illegal sexual purposes.
In summary, The Mann Act (also known as the White-Slave Traffic Act of 1910) is a federal law that criminalizes the transportation of “any woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose.”
The Mann Act was passed in June 1910 and named after Illinois Congressman James R. Mann. Back then, it invoked the Commerce Clause to criminalize the use of interstate or foreign commerce to transport women for immoral purposes. The Act was aimed at prostitution, immorality, and human trafficking.
Many saw the Act as racist because Congress appointed a commission in 1907 to investigate the problem of immigrant prostitutes. It was alleged that immigrant women were brought to America for sexual slavery, and immigrant men lured American girls into prostitution (or “white slavery”).
The committees believed no girl would enter prostitution unless drugged or held captive. This led to public outrage, which eventually resulted in the enactment of the Mann Act.
However, critics note that the Act criminalized many consensual sexual activities and had racist undertones. The phrase “immoral purpose” was broadly used to prosecute unlawful premarital, extramarital, and interracial relationships following Caminetti v. United States (1917), where the United States Supreme Court held that “illicit fornication,” even when consensual, constituted an “immoral purpose.”
It didn’t matter if the woman consented; the man would be liable irrespectively; furthermore, if the woman agreed, she could be held as an accessory to the crime. While the Act was never repealed, it was amended a few times, the most notable of which were in 1978 to address issues of child pornography and in 1986 to address the Act’s misuse against consensual sex by replacing the phrase “any other immoral purpose” with “any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense.”
Yes, it is a controversial law, but that's still the law. Greene said that apart from not paying taxes on the millions of dollars he received from China, Ukraine, Romania, and probably elsewhere, he used the money to break the law and was not charged for it.
In addition, it was also to show that the woman in the photo was not an employee for whom Hunter Biden could lawfully take tax deductions.
Finally, sex is not also a business expense. You can't just go and have sex and deduct the expense from your taxes, which Hunter is accused of doing. MTG looked at the Mann Act, tax evasion, illegal deductions, and the lack of penalties or a cover-up.